

Changing the posture of an individual is changing the world

Moshè Feldenkrais


The Feldenkrais method can orient us on paths to health.

How we move is fundamental for our overall health. Feldenkrais allows us to feel the movement from the inside. It creates the context for learning. It nurtures the ground for healing. It teaches to be gentle. A gentleness that is revolutionary. A gentleness that no one knows.

I started practising it during my first years of running. I thought it could improve my performance in marathons. It did much more. After many years of teaching it in different contexts (classes, one to ones, workshops, university) and with experience of people in challenging situations (prisoners, parkinsonism, dementia, depression, addiction, chronic pain), it gives me now the opportunity to help people and guide them through autobiographical paths of self-discovery and healing through movement.


Read more about the Feldenkrais method and myself here



Get in touch with me


Dr. Paolo Maccagno

Certified Feldenkrais practitioner®

FGUK member

Abof – biographical analyst



Classes, one to one, workshops

Experimental projects
